The following sponsorship levels are available at the conference:
Platinum Package: $5,000
• 2 complimentary registration fees
• Recognition as a sponsor for the conference
• Logo displayed in program and conference website
• Table top display space
Gold Package: $2,500
• 2 complimentary registration fees
• Recognition as a sponsor for the conference
• Logo displayed in program and conference website
Silver Package: $1,000
• 1 complimentary registration fee
• Recognition as a sponsor for the conference
• Logo displayed in program and conference website
Bronze Package: $500
• Recognition as a sponsor for the conference
• Logo displayed in program and conference website
Interested in sponsoring part of the conference?
Please contact Dr. Tim Rials, University of Tennessee, Center for Renewable Carbon,, or Dr. Niki Labbé, University of Tennessee, Center for Renewable Carbon,
Please fill out the form below and email to Dr. Rials or Dr. Labbé.
Important Dates and Deadlines:
Logos and forms are due (to be included in the program): August 31, 2024.
Sponsorship registrations are due: August 17, 2024.
To process and secure your sponsorship:
Form will be available soon. Please complete the form and return by email to Jessica McCord ( or by fax to (865) 946-1109, ATTN: Jessica McCord.
Sponsors logos will be displayed on the conference website and in the printed program. Platinum level sponsors will be thanked from the podium prior to the introduction and welcome at the plenary session.
Sponsors may place an advertisement in the printed program.
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